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Bamboo Nursery and Clump Management Training
We also provide bamboo nursery and, clump management, the purpose of this training is that bamboo farmers can produce better quality bamboo, more sustainable and better yields.
Bamboo Clump Management Training
Objective : To provide technical skills and knowledge base on managing bamboo clump in order  to increase the number and quality of the harvest bamboo.
Target: Participants will understand how to manage and administer their bamboo clump independently to improve the quality of the harvest bamboo.
Output : Ten bamboo clump to be managed by the participants around their village.
Number of participants : minimum number of participants for the training  10 ( ten ) participants , with one senior trainer and one facilitator .
Requred Tools: Axe, Saw, Hoes and Spades, machete, sharpening.
 Training Details
 pembibitan bambuClumps structural repairs includings, spacing between bamboo in one clump, marking poles by its age, weeding. Managing soil around the clump, soil porosity, imporving soil structure. Utilization of bamboo leaves to the clump . Creating bamboo deason Calendar, bamboo commodity chain discussions for business development purposes.
Sahabat Bambu Indonesia